Screen Readers
Current students can download Fusion, ZoomText, or JAWS for free on their personal computer. Users can only download one of the following programs on their computer:
- ZoomText: An integrated reading and magnification program. Users will be able to enlarge and enhance everything on their screen.
- JAWS: A screen reader that allows the users to navigate their computer screen.
- Fusion: Users have the ability to access the screen magnifier, ZoomText and the screen reader, JAWS, all in one software program.
- For further information, visit the Freedom Scientific website.
Enter your MCC student email account to download the program on your personal computer. - Users will be required to identify if they want to install ZoomText, JAWS, or Fusion.
NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free screen reader available for Windows/PC. For downloading instructions, please visit the NVDA website.
How to Access Screen Readers on Campus Computers:
- On the desktop, click the "Accessible Resources" folder.
- Click on the JAWS program.
- On the desktop, click on the "Accessible Resources" folder.
- Click on the NVDA program.
Recommended Apps:
- Mobile Accessibility
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 103
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
Phone: (585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118
Downtown Campus
Student Engagement Center
Floor 3, Room 310
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118