College Now Approved Course List
Administrative Handbook Shortcuts:
Approved course list is subject to change and/or updates. Course availability varies by school district.
Course | Title | Credit Hours |
AAD 104 | Introduction to Graphic Design, 2D | 3.00 |
ACC 101 | Accounting Principles I | 4.00 |
ACC 102 | Accounting Principles II | 4.00 |
AGS 101 | Introduction to Agriculture | 1.00 |
ART 101 | Art Essentials | 3.00 |
ART 104 | Drawing I: Foundation | 3.00 |
ASL 101 | American Sign Language I | 3.00 |
ASL 102 | American Sign Language II | 3.00 |
ASL 203 | American Sign Language III | 3.00 |
BIO 116 | Introduction to Environmental Sci-GR | 3.00 |
BIO 120 | Essentials of Life Science | 4.00 |
BIO 132 | Human Biology Lab | 1.00 |
BIO 133 | Human Biology I | 3.00 |
BIO 155 | General Biology I | 4.00 |
BIO 156 | General Biology II | 4.00 |
BUS 104 | Introduction to Business | 3.00 |
BUS 110 | Entrepreneurial Studies I | 3.00 |
BUS 135 | Supervision for 21st Century | 3.00 |
CDL 110 | Career Exploration | 2.00 |
CHE 145 | Preparation for General College Chemistry | 4.00 |
CHE 151 | General College Chemistry I | 4.00 |
CHI 101 | Elementary Chinese I | 3.00 |
CIT 112 | CAD for Construction | 2.00 |
CLT 100 | Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology | 1.00 |
COM 115 | Computer Generated Images | 3.00 |
CRC 110 | Introduction to Web Site Design | 1.00 |
CRC 125 | Microsoft Office | 4.00 |
CRJ 101 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3.00 |
CRJ 103 | Constitutional Law and Rights of People | 3.00 |
ECE 150 | Exploring Early Care and Education | 3.00 |
ECE 151 | Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Young Children | 3.00 |
ECO 101 | Introduction to Economics | 3.00 |
ECO 103 | Personal Money Management | 3.00 |
ECO 110 | Personal Investing | 3.00 |
EDU 100 | Introduction to the Teaching Profession | 1.00 |
EDU 150 | Perf/Pres Skills for Educators | 3.00 |
EDU 200 | Foundations of Education | 3.00 |
ELT 111 | Introduction to Digital Electronics | 3.00 |
ELT 130 | System Electricity | 3.00 |
EMS 101 | EMS First Responder | 3.00 |
EMS 110 | Emergency Medical Technician | 6.00 |
ENG 101 | College Composition | 3.00 |
ENG 105 | English Literature | 3.00 |
ENG 113 | Intro to Creative Writing WR | 3.00 |
FPT 100 | Principles of Fire and Emergency Services | 3.00 |
FPT 101 | Fire Behavior Combustion | 3.00 |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I | 3.00 |
FRE 102 | Elementary French II | 3.00 |
FRE 112 | Elem French Conversation II | 2.00 |
FRE 203 | Intermediate French I | 3.00 |
FRE 213 | Intermed French Convers I | 2.00 |
FSA 107 | Menu Planning | 3.00 |
FSA 109 | Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I | 5.00 |
GEG 130 | Digital Earth | 3.00 |
GEO 108 | Dangerous Earth-GR | 3.00 |
GER 101 | Elementary German I | 3.00 |
GER 102 | Elementary German II | 3.00 |
GER 203 | Intermediate German I | 3.00 |
HED 115 | Death and Dying | 3.00 |
HED 116 | Issues in Child Development and Health | 3.00 |
HED 130 | Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness | 3.00 |
HIS 109 | Global History I: to the 1500s | 3.00 |
HIS 110 | Global History II: Since the 1500s WR | 3.00 |
HIS 111 | US History to 1865 WR | 3.00 |
HIS 112 | US History since 1865 WR | 3.00 |
HSP 101 | Introduction of Hospitality Industry | 3.00 |
HVA 101 | Basic Refrigeration Theory | 3.00 |
HVA 103 | Heating Systems | 3.00 |
HVA 105 | Electric and Motor Controls | 3.00 |
HVA 275 | Modern Welding Techniques | 3.00 |
ITA 101 | Elementary Italian I | 3.00 |
ITA 102 | Elementary Italian II | 3.00 |
ITA 111 | Elementary Italian Conversation I | 2.00 |
ITA 112 | Elementary Italian Conversation II | 2.00 |
ITA 203 | Intermediate Italian I | 3.00 |
LAW 101 | Fundamentals of the Law | 3.00 |
LDS 101 | A Seminar in Leadership Development | 3.00 |
MET 101 | Technical Graphics | 3.00 |
MET 121 | Computer Aided Drafting/Design - Solid Modeling | 3.00 |
MMP 100 | Survey of Automotive Transportation and Services | 3.00 |
MMP 101 | Survey of Automotive Service Lab | 1.00 |
MTH 150 | Survey of Mathematics | 3.00 |
MTH 155 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I | 3.00 |
MTH 156 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II | 3.00 |
MTH 160 | Statistics I | 3.00 |
MTH 175 | Precalculus | 4.00 |
MTH 210 | Calculus I | 4.00 |
MTH 211 | Calculus II | 4.00 |
MTH 212 | Calculus III | 4.00 |
OFT 111 | Intermediate Word | 3.00 |
OFT 141 | Professional Grammar and Communications | 4.00 |
OPT 110 | Introduction to Optical Technology | 3.00 |
OPT 131 | Optical Elements and Ray Optic | 4.00 |
OPT 175 | Quantitative Skills in Optics | 4.00 |
OPT 201 | Photo Science | 4.00 |
PHO 101 | Photography for Non Majors | 3.00 |
PHO 106 | Photography I | 3.00 |
PHY 131 | Applied Physics | 4.00 |
PHY 145 | College Physics I | 4.00 |
PHY 146 | College Physics II | 4.00 |
POS 102 | American National Government | 3.00 |
PPE 100 | Introduction to Sport Science | 4.00 |
PPE 179 | Lifeguarding | 2.00 |
PSY 101 | Introduction of Psychological Sciences | 3.00 |
SMT 215 | Sport Management | 3.00 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3.00 |
SPA 101 | Elementary Spanish I | 3.00 |
SPA 102 | Elementary Spanish II | 3.00 |
SPA 111 | Elementary Spanish Convers I | 2.00 |
SPA 112 | Elem Spanish Conversation II | 2.00 |
SPA 203 | Intermediate Spanish I | 3.00 |
SPA 204 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3.00 |
SPA 213 | Intermediate Spanish Convers I | 2.00 |
SPA 214 | Intermediate Spanish Convers II | 2.00 |
SPC 143 | Small Group Communication | 3.00 |
TAM 101 | Machine Theory I | 3.00 |
TAM 121 | Mathematics for Machinists I | 3.00 |
TAM 131 | Machine ShopPrint Reading I | 3.00 |
TAM 141 | Machine Shop Lab | 3.00 |
TEK 145 | Career Communications | 3.00 |
MCC Department Codes
Dept. Code | Department |
AHS | Anthropology/History/Political Science/Sociology |
ATD | Applied Technologies |
BIO | Biology |
BUS | Business Administration/Economics |
CGSG | Chemistry/Geosciences |
CRJ | Law and Criminal Justice |
EDU | Education and Human Services |
EMSB | Public Safety Training Center - EMS |
ENT | Engineering Technologies |
EPH | English/Philosophy |
ESP | Engineering Science/Physics |
FESP | Public Safety Training Center - Fire & Rescue |
HPE | Health and Physical Education |
HSP | Hospitality |
ICT | Information and Computer Technologies |
MAT | Mathematics |
TRS | Transitional Studies |
VPA | Visual and Performing Arts |
WLC | World Languages and Cultures |